I'm a PhD candidate in the Database Systems Group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I'm advised by Jignesh M. Patel. Previously, I earned Bachelor's degrees in Computer Science and Biochemistry from the University of Oklahoma in 2018.
My research focuses on maximizing the performance of database systems. Currently, I'm interested in two approaches: (1) practical space-efficient data structures and (2) data processing on emerging and heterogeneous hardware.
Is Perfect Hashing Practical for OLAP Systems?. Kevin P. Gaffney, Jignesh M. Patel. CIDR (2024).
SQLite: Past, Present, and Future. Kevin P. Gaffney, Martin Prammer, Larry Brasfield, D. Richard Hipp, Dan Kennedy, Jignesh M. Patel. VLDB (2022).
How Good is My HTAP System?. Elena Milkai, Yannis Chronis, Kevin P. Gaffney, Zhihan Guo, Jignesh M. Patel, Xiangyao Yu. SIGMOD (2022).
Database Isolation By Scheduling. Kevin P. Gaffney, Robert Claus, Jignesh M. Patel. VLDB (2021).
Goal Attainment Scaling Made Easy With an App: GOALed. Erin Gaffney, Kevin P. Gaffney, Lori Bartleson, Cindy Dodds. Pediatric Physical Therapy (2019).
Automated Detection and Quantification of Residual Brain Tumor Using an Interactive Computer-Aided Detection Scheme. Kevin P. Gaffney, Faranak Aghaei, James Battiste, Bin Zheng. SPIE Medical Imaging (2017).
Research Assistant, Database Systems Group, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2018 - present).
Research Scholar, SRC Research Scholars Program (2018 - 2022).
Graduate Intern, LinkedIn (2022).
CS 564 Database Management Systems: Design and Implementation. Instructor (Spring 2023).